Scan2D helps you get -- Info & Share

  • Quick access secure and safe QR code
  • Get images, videos and web site from a single scan
  • Share what you see with friends on the social networking
  • Keep history and favorite list for you
  • Active your own QR code...

Get Scan2D QR code app
Safe, Powerful and it's Free!


Social Portal

Our patent pending technology that collects social networking and contect info for you automatically.

History & Favorite

History and favorite list allow you re-visit the QR code in the future.

Share with Friends

Share what you have scanned with friends on social networking e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.

Scan Safely

Conduct a reputation check of the QR code to keep virus, trojan and scandals out of your mobile device.

Review a QR Code

Write or read a review of a QR code. Learn from or talk to people about anything like a product, an event or a movie, etc.

Cloud Sync

Sync your scan history and favorite list on any device that have the Scan2D app installed.

Scan2D Free Tools

Best co-operate with Scan2D free tools such as Lost Pet QR code, Wifi QR Code auto connect and QR VCard.

Contact US

We’d love to hear from you. Any suggestion or question about our Scan2D QR code mobile app, please do not hesitate to let us know.

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